Step into your shameless and uncompromising CONFIDENCE to be authentically YOU



“UCY gave the necessary mindset tools to start seeing myself worthy and not afraid of showing my true colors to others. I was afraid to be vulnerable with people, because I had a deep-rooted belief that I am not good enough.  Growing up, my family failed giving me psychological roots, where I could see myself valuable and confident. I overcompensated with trying to prove to others that I am worthy of the job, love partner, you name it, but in reality, I had no idea who I really was. I constantly felt like I was pretending to be someone else, who I thought was better than me, resulting in me constantly feeling like I was a fraud.  I was in fear that people would one day see right through my artificial persona I have created and when that happens, I would lose everything. UCY gave me a completely new belief system, where I learned to see myself worthy, beautiful, high value and most importantly seen for who I really was and loved for my authenticity, not the persona I thought I needed to be to deserve love.”

LiDIA l.

Does this sound like you?


You have big dreams for your life, but you don't have the courage to go for it because you believe that you won't be successful reaching them.

You are constantly jealous of other women. You feel that other women are so much better than you. You believe that they look better, dress better, have better lives, have better relationships. You believe that it is unfair that they have it all and you don't. You just accepted the cruelty of life, and that life is meant to be hard.  

You keep telling yourself that you just need to settle for what you can get because it is as best as it can get.

You know you are born to be in spotlight, but you are too shy to claim it, and you observe yet another woman who is less deserving, getting the attention that was supposed to be yours.


You want to turn heads walking into the room but always find yourself in the corner, being afraid to express your opinion. You chose to be quiet and accommodating instead and agree with the majority. 

You see yourself as a peacemaker. You are terrified to cause an argument and disappoint other people with your point of view. 


You believe, you need to be the best version of a woman, who is perfect in everything that she does. You believe that when you are able to become the perfect woman, others will start loving you. Instead, you have created this inauthentic artificial persona that you show others on a consistent basis to be accepted into their circle and receive encouragement for it. However, deep inside you are dead and unsure how much longer you will be able to continue pretending to be someone else. 

You believe, if you open up, become vulnerable with people, they will use it to their advantage and break your heart, so you keep on putting walls.

You are terrified to be discovered for your true colors, because you believe that you are deeply unlovable and there is so much wrong with you that the true you doesn't deserve to be loved in the first place.


You believe other people who tell you that you have many flaws, that you need to continuously keep on working on yourself to look good on the outside.  You believe other people that tell you that you won't be loved by others, because of all your imperfections and that you need to be ashamed of yourself. 

You pride yourself in being kind and of highest service. However, you constantly meet people who try to use it to their advantage and abuse your kindness. Somehow you seem to attract people around you who are narcissistic and self-centered. 


You desire the hot guy across the street to finally notice you, but you don't have enough courage to be noticed because you believe he is way out of your league. 


You desire to be hired for the new high-level position with bigger pay, but you are doubting if you truly deserve it or can do the job well, despite the fact that you have more skills and experience to do the job, than the last person who got hired.


You are the one that is always hiding behind the camera because you believe you are not good enough for the spotlight.

You want to see yourself beautiful and finally do a boudoir session, but you believe that you don't have the body for it and that you will be disappointed with your own photos, so you decide to not give it a chance in a first place.


You are obsessed with how you look on the outside, when you are around other people, and always check in the mirror to make sure your lipstick didn't smudge, because you cannot stand a humiliating idea of other people seeing your flaws.

You believe that everything you do must look perfect, because you are terrified that other people will notice and judge you if it is not.

You are constantly watching your steps and afraid of making mistakes, because you are terrified of other people discovering that you are not good enough or don't know what you are doing. 


You are stuck in never ending cycle of educating yourself. You keep on attending classes, seminar, getting master's degree that look good on the outside, but you never feel ready to take the next step and apply your skills.  


You are constantly at war with yourself, and you are seeking finding peace with yourself, but don't believe it is available to you. 

You hate seeing yourself in the mirror, because all you see is imperfection and flaws. You are always hard on yourself with negative self-talk and constant self judgement.


Yor biggest fear is the fear of failure, and you are terrified of “what others would think" and how it will look on you if you fail, and it is stopping you from pursuing your dreams and puts you in a state of freeze and complacency. 


You keep saying YES to other people, even when you already had plans, and scarifies your own well-being and your own desires, simply because you are terrified to say NO and upset the other person.  

It seems that you always do so much for others, but you don't have time for yourself. When you do finally have time for yourself, you don't know what to do with it and you find more busy work to distract yourself from You. 

You are putting your own dreams and desires on the back burner and sacrificing your dreams for someone else’s opinion. 

Limited enrollment period ends soon

Join UCY

Step-by-step process to go from doubtful, second guessing, quiet, suppressed, disempowered woman to an Unapologetic, Powerful, Confident Goddess, who has Courage to be Authentic and Come to Peace with Herself and finally say YES to her Dreams.


During this self-paced program, I'll take you through the process of becoming a High Value Feminine Confident Woman. 


There are a lot of programs  and books out there on confidence that teach you how to be a Confident Man, but not a single program focuses on Being Confident as a Woman and what it means to be confident as a woman. 

Having confidence as a woman has a lot of nuances that are not being taught in main culture that is built to teach men to be successfull, that is why we see a lot of women trying to make it in a man’s world pretending to wear the pants and embodying highly masculine qualities that are very unattractive in a woman. 


High value woman has a masterful blend of feminine and masculine energy in her that makes her irresistible. And that is the first step in becoming a Lovegodesss.  This program is Part 1 of the Lovegodesss Academy.




this program you will become SHAMELESS, bold, POWERFUL, courageous, AUTHENTIC, confident, UNAPOLOGETIC, self-prioritized, IMPORTANT, valuable, SEEN, deserving, LOVEBALE version of yourself.

What's inside?


Step-by-step video training and exercises on developing Feminine Confidence available in the Self Study Portal 


Curated portal drip content to facilitate the guided portion of the Feminine Confidence Mastery








Unapologetically Confident you


You will Increase Self Esteem

You will Increase Self Love

You will start Honoring Yourself First

You will Become Unstoppable

You will stop people pleasing patterns

You will stop attracting people who abuse your kindness




You will be comfortable in your decisions.

You will start voicing your opinion

You will start expressing yourself freely

You will feel relief that people accept and love your authenticity





You will cut toxic people out of your life

You will work through your limiting beliefs

You will find peace with your imperfections

You will create time for yourself 

You will give yourself permission to go for the strong, beautiful and sexy version of yourself




Is this program for me if I AM LIMITED on time?


YES, IT IS a self study course and you can allocate your own time to learning and make IT WORK with your schedule. All content pieces will be recorded and will be available for you to study for the next six months. There’s plenty of time for you to study.


There are two types of women based, on their learning styles. Some women dedicate an hour a day AND WRITE that into their schedule and then other women like to set a THREE-DAY weekend to fully emerge themselves into content. You decide what works for you. Our weekly lessons are comeing to you in INCREMENTS, SPECIFICALLY to allow for gradual improvements and confidence practice that can be incorporated into your daily routine.



Is this program for me if  I already have a good level of confidence?


Yes, we all look at confidence very deeply. We touch every aspect of confidence. We treat confidence as a life skill of putting trust in yourself. A lot of women have confidence in one area of their life, however lack confidence in the other. This is where going through the training and really embodying the principles of confidence will help you brush up on your existing skills, as well as give you new skills to be used in areas of your life where are you are still looking to improve.  


Is this program for me if I already have taken confidence classes before?


Yes, so far this is the most immersive class that I have seen available online. We explore conference on so many different levels. In the past we have seen courses that only touch on a small portion of CONFIDENCE BUT lack the big picture. On the other hand, a lot of confidence classes that we have seen only pursue confidence from a male or business uccess perspective. We are exploring confidence as a foundation to our belief system and our life. We look at confidence as a core principle of living life by trusting yourself. We also look at confidence from a feminine perspective, where we teach body language in a feminine way. I belive you will find a lot of new information that was not covered in past classes you have taken.



Is this program for me if I’m not an entrepreneur but still interested in growing confidence?


Yes. Katya mentions that she works with women, BECAUSE WOMEN enterpreneurs tend to do a lot OF PERSONAL development work in order to be successful in their businesses, however we don’t restrict women, who are mothers or women who have corporate jobs to enroll in our classes. In some of our CLASSES WE talk about certain things from a business owner aspect and give examples and tell stories from business owner life, however that does not make the information less practical or important. All our lessons can be implemented whether or not you have your own business.


What is specific content is covered in the course?

Absolutely. We have created a section below outlining exact CONTENT THAT we will be covering in this program.


Do you offer Payment Plans?


We offer an option to pay in FULL AT A special enrollment rate of $ 2,555 or an option for two payments of $1,499. One payment will be due immediately with enrollment and the second payment will be due a month from the date of the first payment.  


Who can I contact if I have more questions?


Absolutely you can contact us  You can send us a personal message on social media. If you’re working with a CONCIERGE, you can ASK THEM any questions about the program.


Will this price be availible if I decide to enroll later?


The special pricing is only available for the duration of enrollment. Once enrollment is completed you can still enroll, however the price goes back to full price of $3,500.


Is it better for me to enroll into Lovegodesss Academy instead?


We recommend enrolling into Lovegodesss ACADEMY FOR a full integrated journey of becoming a Lovegodesss. In Lovegodesss Academy KATYA HELPS women ENTREPRENEURS WHO have lost themselves   in midlife and BUSINESS RE-INVENT THEMSELVES on all levels: take charge of their LIFE, THEIR inner confidence and authenticity, their looks, their marriage, their lifestyle and FINALLY TURN THEMSELVES ON AGAIN   BY CONNECTING to THEIR EROTIC feminine identity and becoming a LOVEGODESSS in their own life.  

By going through Lovegodesss Academy women are able to transform from a burned out and tired grey duckling into a shining  lovegodesss a feminine woman in touch with her sexuality and passion for life.  

By becoming a Lovegodesss a woman is able to turn herself on and  transform her relationship with herself, transform her  looks , how she shows up in the world for others, reignite her business and make it fun and enjoyable, bring desire back in her marriage and turn her husband back from a partner into her lover as well as  become irresistible magnet for other people, men,  friends,  and create life  filled  with fun, joy, adventure, travel  and lifestyle built on  play and pleasure over work, schedules, responsibility, hustle, stress and anxiety.  


Confidence portion is only a portion of the Lovegodesss Journey. It is a fundamental portion to becoming a Lovegodesss. The benefit of enrolling into Lovegodesss academy, is that in the future Lovegodesss Academy will be the only a group coaching program available and individual portions that we have outlined become self study courses without group coaching option. ALSO, price-wise it is much more beneficial to enroll into Lovegoddess Academy than go through independent portions. There are a lot of portions of the lovegodesss Academy that are not available for independent study and can only be purchased with the Academy. Examples of these include Lovegodesss accelerator, Transformation track and so much more. Please ask us how you can enroll into the academy if you are interested in the integrated journey instead.  



What happens after I enroll.


We are oficially releasing the course on 12/5/22 this is when you will recive access to the course portal and can start your journey. Your portal will include a self study portion that you will be able to dive RIGHT IN and  

Drip weekly content that will open up to you each week, in order for you to follow the order of seps towards your confidence. All Bonunes that you qualify will be arranged. We will send you a call outline scedule and will be in touch by email about next steps in the program.


Generating million-dollar confidence is NOT luck. There is an art and science to it.

I mastered that art and science long ago.

Are You Ready to Master a Feminine Woman's

Most Essential Trait?

Here’s what that means to you:

  • Imagine creating confidence so strong, you become unstoppable in love, career and lifestyle.
  • Imagine finally being able to stop letting others (your friends, family, and society) control what you go after in life.
  • Imagine going through life being able to confidently say 'yes' or 'no' to any opportunity, man or client that comes your way.
  • Imagine being able to do that knowing that no matter what happens you have put yourself in a position to have multiple options.


All of that becomes possible when you enroll in the UCY as it will instantly give you a supercharge of confidence to tackle anything in life.

And it keeps your confidence growing no matter where you choose to apply it.

It’s almost like having your own genie that can grant you anything you want in life...

KATYA Melvin



I am a creator of a Lovegodesss Feminine Movement, CEO of a Lovegodesss womens center, Erotic Identity coach at Lovegodesss Academy


In UCY I help women with people pleasing patterns, imposter syndrome of not being enough, fearing for other people to finally discover the fakeness and patterns of putting on a face by being someone else in order to be liked and accepted drop the drama of trying to be perfect and stop trying to fit into someone else’s box.

By going through Unapologetically Confident You course women are able to step into radically accepting and trusting THEMSELVES, they are able to step into their shameless and uncompromising confidence to be authentically THEM and give themselves permission to say YES to themselves.  



  1. You are Fucking Magic. Manifestation School.


Here we learn the true magic of turning thoughts to things and manifest limitless possibilities for you and your life, by becoming spiritually grounded and supported by the divine force.


  1. Unapologetically Confident You.


This track will help  you  step into radically accepting  and trusting YOURSELF, you are able to  step into your shameless and uncompromising confidence to be authentically YOU and give yourself permission to say YES to yourself in a feminine way.


  1. Lovegodesss Transformation School


This track will lead through a process of physical transformation of your style, your hair, your home, your closet into a feminine woman who makes first impressions unforgettable.


  1. Irresistible YOU. Art of  Seduction School


This track will lead you through the journey of embodying your own seduction archetype and learning the Art and the Tools of being an Irresistible High Value Charismatic Feminine Woman to spark obsession.


  1. Lust, Desire and Passion School  will lead you through the journey of bringing Intimacy, Sex and Adventure back into your Marriage and help you create sexual tension in your relationship through the nurture of feminine and masculine polarities.


  1. Dream Lifestyle School  will lead you through the journey of creating your dream  lifestyle filled with travel, beauty, fashion, luxury, adventure, play and fun! 


The courses are intended to be self-study course moving forward after we collect enough pre-recorded Q&A content, and we will NOT be offering group coaching option outside of our Lovegodesss Academy program. That is why the time is of an essence. Grab this opportunity to have a group coaching experience while it is still available in this program. 


Here's what others are saying

“I created stronger boundaries with my girlfriend who always asks me to help her with babysitting. I was able to create more time for myself and because I learned to say NO in a loving way, it seems that she respects my time more and our relationship improved, because I am not bitter anymore”


“I GOT THE GUY! I worked the courage to come up to him after months of doubting myself. I used body language portion from the program, and it worked!”


“I cannot believe that by stepping into my fear and having faith bigger than my fear (something Katya is teaching in the program) I was able to get a dream client. Confidence is really of a mindset that you will be successful in life, and you deserve everything that you desire. Your desires in you for a reason.”

Marianne. V



Katya has a very unique teaching style. She is never dry and boring. In fact, she is always full of energy. It’s a wholesome process from start to finish. She does not teach you just one piece, it’s a combination of everything in you that changes, and she’s doing it from a very spiritual perspective.


I love working with Katya, she resparks me every time I coach with her. She has this ability to charge you up for the entire week ahead. She believes in unlimited possibilities and that alone makes you feel unlimited. When you can only see so far and when someone else sees the potential in you, now that is power.



"I remember the time, when I doubted if I would ever love myself or my life. After working with Katya, I was able to see a completely different version of life that I was not able to see before. Learning to speak to myself from a loving perspective and see my life for a completely different angle has served me more than I can tell."

Confidence is the one skill that can get you anything in life, and in this course, I'll be walking you through from beginner to pro in the Art of Believing in yourself and attracting EXACTLY what you want in life

What is Inside ?


Confidence Accelerator Track. Confidence Mindset training.

 This is fundamental to get us started on the right path. 

12 key lessons to accelerate your life.  Self-study available immediately when course launches on Dec 5th. 


Confidence Terms. 

Women have been taught improper understanding of confidence terms. In this section of the program, we clarify and set forth proper terms for confidence. We go into creating our own definition of confidence and compare each term with its opponent. To name a few we explore terms like empowerment versus disempowerment, shame versus pride, authenticity versus artificiality, anxiety versus peace and so much more.


20 + confidence training terms to set proper understanding of confidence. Confidence is such a broad term and there is no proper definition. We view confidence from its Latin roots of "trusting yourself" and go deeper what it means to trust yourself in identifying proper terms for confidence. These video training will be gradually releasing during the course of your enrollment.  



Confidence Formula. 

I will teach you the exact confidence formula that consist of three core elements and the exact framework towards the confidence in any area of your life.

8 video classes on how to strategically apply the formula towards any area of your life where you desire gaining more confidence.  




Feminine Confidence and Body language.

This is where we will learn how to communicate our confidence to other people on the outside through our body language. 


Confidence Path /Weekly Guidance

Week 1 Making a plan for our work together.

Week 2 Clarity on desires

Week 3 Clearing Space for Transformation  

Week 4 Self Doubt and Negative thinking / Mindset and Tools.  

Week 5 Self-identity. Rewriting the story of who we are into a new version.

Week 6 Self guidance. Intuition. Higher Self. Being a self-lead from within.

Week7   Self value. Deserving. Authenticity. Validation. Cutting out people pleasing. Creating boundaries.

Week8  Self-love practice. Creating daily prcatice of putting you first.  


I grew up shy, insecure and feeling like I was worthy of better things in life but unsure how to communicate that.

When I was fed up with missing out on opportunities (and great men!) … I used specific strategies to eliminate the imposter monsterslay the doubt dragon and give birth to her inner goddess!

And, thanks to this Program, anyone, including you, can do the same!
